Do you want more energy? To be less hot and breathless after climbing the stairs? To feel more confident in your own skin? Reduce the symptoms of a pre-existent medical condition?

Many women are not the weight that they want or need to be and there are loads of reasons for women being over or under weight. Pregnancy is an obvious one, but certain medications, medical conditions, recent ill-health, food addiction, a hectic work life can all lead to being a weight that is less than ideal.
Katy is not unfamiliar with weight loss herself so she knows what it is like for you. She gained 2 stone during her first pregnancy and a whopping 3 stones second time around (“it was that mince pie and hot chocolate I ‘treated’ myself to every morning whilst my eldest was at school that did it! Oops!” says Katy), but she lost it all within a year and can now use that experience to help you with your weight loss journey. Working in partnership you can put strategies in place and in tandem with an individualised exercise program, she can help you to reach your weight goal.
Here’s what some of Katy’s clients have to say about their sessions with Katy:
Mitun, Wimbledon
Katy is a brilliant personal trainer. She has been able to push me but in a supportive way to build my strength and tone which were some of my key goals. She’s also really responsive and approachable which is also great!
Sophie, Kingston
I started seeing Katy when the pandemic started as I didn’t feel comfortable going to the gym. I thoroughly enjoyed my weekly sessions and Katy pushed me to test my strength each week with a mix of cardio and strength work. My main achievement was finally rising to the challenge of full press ups after years of dodging them!
After two years of seeing Katy, she is more of a friend than a trainer.
Julia, Kingston
I signed up for one-to-one sessions with Katy having enjoyed her postnatal classes but wanting a bit more accountability than you get in a group session. I love the fact that I can’t wiggle out of my weekly slots, and that Katy plans her classes very carefully and in such a way that I can really see progress. In spite of having never done any weight training at all and being quite exercise-avoidant, Katy has shown me that it’s not too late to change. She’s also great for a natter which somewhat alleviates the pain of planking.
Kerry, Kingston
I started sessions with Katy with a real fear of exercising in front of people and a lack of confidence in my own stamina and ability. Katy has designed exercises that suit me, built my confidence up, encouraged me, pushed me to go further, and helped me to actually enjoy exercise. I’d highly recommend sessions with her.
Alison, Petersham
My weight has yo-yo’d for the dozen years since I’ve had children and I have never successfully managed to integrate good exercise habits into my “work/home/all the other stuff” life. I get bursts of motivation, overdo it, get injured and then get stuck on the sofa again.
Katy has been a wonderful discovery in the past year, as she is helping me to build strength and stick to healthier eating. She designs fun, varied sessions and comes to my house – I really have no excuses not to enjoy it. I’m getting older, my metabolism is slowing and things just don’t change as fast as I’d like. As a specialist women’s PT, she understands the different phases of a woman’s life and keeps me motivated to keep going. I feel stronger and more toned. She cracks me up and doesn’t let me cheat. Most importantly, I enjoy it and can see exercise becoming a habit.