My weight has yo-yo’d for the dozen years since I’ve had children and I have never successfully managed to integrate good exercise habits into my “work/home/all the other stuff” life. I get bursts of motivation, overdo it, get injured and then get stuck on the sofa again.
Katy has been a wonderful discovery in the past year, as she is helping me to build strength and stick to healthier eating. She designs fun, varied sessions and comes to my house – I really have no excuses not to enjoy it. I’m getting older, my metabolism is slowing and things just don’t change as fast as I’d like. As a specialist women’s PT, she understands the different phases of a woman’s life and keeps me motivated to keep going. I feel stronger and more toned. She cracks me up and doesn’t let me cheat. Most importantly, I enjoy it and can see exercise becoming a habit.